Photographing Moving Vehicles

Those nice to know things about your DSLR will be found here. How to do this, and why you probably should not do that.

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Photographing Moving Vehicles

Postby adamj123 on Wed Aug 15, 2007 9:42 am

Found this informative tutorial on hot to shoot moving vehicles whilst driving for those that are interested: ... h5sbdr58j0
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Postby Yi-P on Wed Aug 15, 2007 12:00 pm

Sweet! Tho I'm not sure if those vacuum locks can hold up on bumps... loosing a 5D at 60km/h is not a good idea!! :?
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Postby adamj123 on Wed Aug 15, 2007 3:03 pm

hehe yeah that wouldn't be good. Maybe you could attach some safety rope onto it :)
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Postby Gripboy on Thu Aug 16, 2007 11:12 pm

That is a similar method used to mount movie cameras on vehicles. The ones you've found are obviously smaller, but then again so is your (D)SLR, even with a battery grip attached.
Think your 5D is precious, try mounting 100+ pounds and several hundred thousand dollars worth of 35mm Pannavision camera on the side of your Holden.
The big brother version is called the Super Grip mount. A quick google search returns lots of links, such as:

Another method is to use a device called a Hostess Tray. Think of the tray you'd set on your car window at the drive-in burger joint, add a suction cup or two and come good, strong ratchet straps and you get the idea.

I'd still test it with something other than **MY** Nikon. anyone want to loan me their Canon? <<DUCK>> :-)
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