D50 First Test

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D50 First Test

Postby admajic on Mon May 22, 2006 8:41 pm

Hey! Im the new guy! Here are some pics I did over the weekend.
1st pic post 4 me :)
Pls be nice I just got the camera on Thur nite and never had a DSLR b4.


Fri Nite 10:30pm Vaucluse Pano


Soccer Sat 9:45am


Sunday 11:40am Watsons Bay

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Postby johnd on Mon May 22, 2006 8:49 pm

Impressive Adam. Mastered the D70s in 3 days. :)
I like all of these shots. The first is a great pano.
Love the red and black contrast in the 2nd, and the 3rd is a great candid shot.

Woops, you did say D50 in the title.

Keep em coming.

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Postby NJ on Mon May 22, 2006 8:53 pm

that first pano is stunning!
did u just get the kit lens?
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Postby mudder on Mon May 22, 2006 9:00 pm

G'day mate,

Welcome to the forum, and a terrific first post! wow :shock:

#1, is a pearler, seems nicely exposed, good sky-line shot, some may say to move the horizon either above or below the middle, dependign on what is more important in the image. In this one, maybe move the horizon up so you get longer light reflections on the water, the sky doesn't have much detail so you could afford to lose some of that... Great pano though, well done...

#2 made me smile :) Good stuff...

#3 is a moment in time, well caught... I like the way the dog is looking back, almost to say oh oh....

That's after just 3 days? Strewth, looking forward to some more shots once you've had more time to play with it...

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Postby admajic on Mon May 22, 2006 9:02 pm

Its the kit lense from the D70, 18-70mm. The D50 kit lense is so light compared
I didnt even take it out of the shop :shock:

Heres a shot from Sunday arvo! I have never had a chance to play with
DOF before and now I love it.

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Postby Sir Tristram on Mon May 22, 2006 9:02 pm

Great shots. Welcome to the D50 world.
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Postby stubbsy on Mon May 22, 2006 9:03 pm


Great first post image. I'm guessing from the quality of that first shot that while you may be new to DSLR, you've been around a camera before. Also could you please reduce the size of the image to be under 800 px wide. There's more about stuff like that in the FAQ and this recent post is worth a read too. You'll probably get a feel for why there's an 800 pixel limit because of the need to scroll around to read this post.

Finally, welcome to the forum - I look forward to more of your work
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Postby admajic on Mon May 22, 2006 9:06 pm

Thanks for your replys guys!
All noted Ill link the panos next time :)
Ill have to go reducing the sky in Photoshop and see how it comes out :)

I learnt alot about Panos from just that half hour I spent. Especially the 2 sec timer!! Geez I wish I could set that on perm somehow? Also the pano was taken at 400 ISO and the original is quite grainy! Next time 200 ISO all the way!

I have had digital cameras before. I have a 2 Megapixal Nikon Coolpix. A Canon A75 3 Megapixal, so yeah ive been playing with photoshop for a bit now :)

Also I work in IT so this is just a new toy..
Last edited by admajic on Mon May 22, 2006 9:11 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby avkomp on Mon May 22, 2006 9:07 pm

hi and welcome to the forums.
I really like the pano. well done.

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Postby NJ on Mon May 22, 2006 9:34 pm

makes me think i should have looked at getting the d70 kit lens. and yeh the d50 kit lens is very light! oh well. once again, pictures are great! :)
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Postby admajic on Mon May 22, 2006 9:38 pm

You still can! I saw one on ebay go for about $200. In the shop it was $550. Not a bad investment considering its real glass :)
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Postby kamran on Mon May 22, 2006 9:48 pm

Great first post. What a way to kick off ! Love all the shots.

I also liked how SLRs allow great control over DOF (aperture). And indeed, the D70 kit lens is a nice glass ... no doubt! Also looks great when mounted on the camera.

Welcome to the forum and I'm sure we will see some great pics from you.
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