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by Raskill on Wed Feb 17, 2010 10:20 pm
Just a few from the Bathurst 12 Hour. The conditions were the worst I have shot in for a long time, heavy (torrential at times) rain, mist, wind. Oh well, all good, had fun. Then, a radio journalist kicked my D700 in the media room, smashed the LCD and it also has an intermittant focus error. Not so good. I've gone for a 'Top Gear' type of feel for the PP. I like it, but interested to hear comments. Anyway, enough banter, here are some images:  The BMW that would eventually win the race, late in Sunday afternoon. Exit to the 'Chase'.  The Holden Sports Wagon and Evo 10, again Sunday Afternoon. The Evo wouldn't finish, missing out on a 'three in a row' win due to a split manifold.  A couple of older racers, Ford Falcons, negotiate the Esses during a support race.  Speaks for itself. The track, there really is no place like it....
2x D700, 2x D2h, lenses, speedlights, studio, pelican cases, tripods, monopods, patridges, pear trees etc etc

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by aim54x on Wed Feb 17, 2010 11:31 pm
Great pictures, shame to hear about the Poor D700..hope insurance comes to play.
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by radar on Thu Feb 18, 2010 9:24 am
Top notch photos Alan, really the PP you applied here, really suits the conditions that the race was run in. That last one is very nice. It would have been good to have the car on the right, but just a bit picky on my part. It works really nice with the panning and just having the slight blur in the signage. It would go well in a series of photos with that one as the closing photo, ie, car going out of the photo to end the day.
Cheers and hope the D700 is easy to fix.
Photography, as a powerful medium of expression and communications, offers an infinite variety of perception, interpretation and execution. Ansel Adams
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by Raskill on Thu Feb 18, 2010 4:27 pm
Thanks guys. I thought the PPing suited the mood of the race (and mine at times).
The D700 should be fixed no worries. The good folk at AON should be paying for it.
2x D700, 2x D2h, lenses, speedlights, studio, pelican cases, tripods, monopods, patridges, pear trees etc etc

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by sheepie on Thu Feb 18, 2010 8:52 pm
Wonderfully presented  Like #'s 2 and 3 especially, but they're all great - PP, and the framing in the first place, both give the pictures an atmosphere that jumps out of the screen. Glad I chose to go to Top Gear at the weekend rather than come over by the sounds of that weather report (I was considering it) - would have been nice to see these cars running the mountain though 
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by colin_12 on Thu Feb 18, 2010 9:04 pm
I like the last. Very nice. 
Regards Colin Cameras, lenses and a lust for life

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by biggerry on Thu Feb 18, 2010 10:10 pm
I really like #2 and #3, the PP is very suited, my only suggestion on #2 would be to lighten up the area with the cars and just back off teh vignetting a fraction. Its also interesting in that shot that you can see the headlights relecting of the car behind.
Awesome panning technique you got there too! The last iage I am a bit torn over, not sure whether I like the car exiting the picture, do you have any frames a second before? would be nice to see a comparsion.
Good luck with th D700!

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by hrpremier on Thu Feb 18, 2010 11:08 pm
Great Series Ras.
2 and three do it for me.
I feel the Beemer gets lost in the photos, although its clear to see what you were trying to achieve in pic 4.
Keep them coming though great work. Im just jealous you were even there.
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