Sensor size articleModerators: Greg B, Nnnnsic, Geoff, Glen, gstark, Moderators
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Sensor size articleI'm not sure how much credibility one should assign to someone who likes to be known as "Digital Darrell"
![]() http://www.digitaldarrell.com/DDBlog-ShouldNikonMakeA35mmSizedSensor.asp If I'm alone in a forest and my wife is not around to hear what I say, am I still wrong ??
It is interesting to read that the sensors have a significant fall off as light comes from progressively greater angles - the same principle also applies in the human eye (the Stiles-Crawford effect). This is overcome in the eye by having a curved retina, so that light coming peripherally still strikes the retina perpendicularly.
I wonder if the solution is to change lenses to straighten the light, or to design the sensors to be curved?
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