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D800E Intermittent Menu issue - both cameras

Fri Mar 01, 2013 10:42 am
by tasadam
I have two D800E bodies.
I have intermittently seen this issue on both cameras.
Turn the camera on, press the Menu button, and instead of taking me to the last menu I was in, it takes me to SHOOTING MENU - SET PICTURE CONTROL.
Did a Google and am surprised this is happening to me and can't find reference anywhere else, has anyone else noticed it?
Re: D800E Intermittent Menu issue - both cameras

Fri Mar 01, 2013 2:35 pm
by chrisk
no issue here.
Re: D800E Intermittent Menu issue - both cameras

Fri Mar 01, 2013 3:09 pm
by Matt. K
May be in relation to your last action with the camera. See if you can pick up a pattern or a sequence. Try a factory reset if nothing else turns up and see if that cures it.
Re: D800E Intermittent Menu issue - both cameras

Fri Mar 01, 2013 6:02 pm
by Murray Foote
I haven't had that happen to me with my D800.
Re: D800E Intermittent Menu issue - both cameras

Fri Mar 01, 2013 6:10 pm
by Murray Foote
Hmm. Set Picture Control is only relevant if you are shooting Jpeg. Maybe the cameras think you are halfway though a custom setting. So if you are shooting RAW, check that the camera is set to that and also go into Picture Control to check it is set to the default which I presume is standard. Or maybe set it to something else, exit, go back and set it to standard. Should make no difference if you're shooting RAW anyway except perhaps for the default view if you're using Capture NX.