POTW 15-8-17

Each week, one of the moderators or administrators selects an image that, for whatever reason, catches their eye. Please feel free to add your comments here. Vigorous discussion of the images and techniques is welcome and encouraged. Criticism of any mod for their choice is not. Please note that this is "Picture of the Week"; do not confuse that with "best picture of the week", which is a concept of which we have no understanding.

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POTW 15-8-17

Postby ozimax on Tue Aug 15, 2017 6:40 pm

There weren't too many images to choose from in the last week, but it wouldn't have mattered one iota even if there had been scores. Choosing POTW this time is an easy task. This image from Matt is a wonderful photograph. The greyness. The small subject. The isolation. The depth of field. Even the quirky title all make for a great piece of art, one which I would gladly print and hang on my loungeroom wall.


Congrats Matt. PS Mods may need to move this to the correct forum etc. Thanks.
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Re: POTW 15-8-17

Postby TonyT on Tue Aug 15, 2017 7:23 pm

Congrats to Matt and a great choice by the chooser.
Yes, great image :up:
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Re: POTW 15-8-17

Postby gstark on Wed Aug 16, 2017 7:58 am


ozimax wrote:PS Mods may need to move this to the correct forum etc. Thanks.

Thanks, Oz; done.
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Re: POTW 15-8-17

Postby zafra52 on Wed Aug 16, 2017 7:49 pm

Beautiful image and great choice :up:
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