Well, it was an interesting shoot. I learned a lot from it, so from that statement alone you know most of the pics didn't turn out good.
For those interested, pics are here:
I'll share with you the issues I faced:
1. Lack of flash power - I relied on the D70's built-in flash as I currently have no external lights at the moment. With the shooting distances involved, it meant lengthy flash recycle times as it was firing close to full power. 1 shot every 2 seconds or so, greatly missing fast moving action. This meant I had to be spot on when I pressed the shutter release, as I wouldn't have another chance to shoot until the
model was half way back up the runway!
2. White balance - as if the loud pop music wasn't distracting enough, they insist on using fancy coloured lights which kept changing from each desginer/brand. So that effort I went to, calibrating and fine tuning white balance beforehand served no purpose. I relied on Auto WB, which worked surprisingly well. As I'm a Jpeg'ger, I was constantly worried throughout the shoot that images were going to be spoilt by bad light/colour. Only a few bad shots colourwise resulted. I am extremely pleased. I don't usually auto - anything. Auto ISO, sharpening and contrast settings were the first things to go when I bought my camera. Auto WB might just remain my friend after all.
3. Dark skinned
models were far easier to photograph than their light skinned counterparts. I had no issues with blown exposures, WB or other nasties.
4. Linda Evangelista really is an air-head. I saw her interview on Rove Live tuesday night, I felt sorry for Rove. Then at the DJ fashion show, she stuffed up even the simple greeting, requiring the presenter to laugh it off and move on.