WindmillsModerators: Greg B, Nnnnsic, Geoff, Glen, gstark, Moderators
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WindmillsI took the photo of these windmills in the town of Consuegra. These windmill are from the 17th century and have been restored to full working order. Consuegra is a town in the province of Toledo and in the vast region of La Mancha. I am sure the photo will conjure the mental image of the fictional Don Quixote.
Re: WindmillsSilly question but is Toledo the walled town in the province of Toledo? Great pic.
President, A.A.A.A.A (Australian Association Against Acronym Abuse)
Canon EOS R6, RF 24-105 F4, RF 70-200 F4, RF 35mm F1.8, RF 16mm F2.8 "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." (John 8:32)
Re: Windmills
Not silly, at all. Yes, it is. Thank you for your comment and interest.
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