Re: Glamorous

Tue May 25, 2021 1:45 pm
by zafra52
Thank you for your comment. Last week, I was walking into a shopping center without noticing the car at first and then a little voice in my head said "did you see what I think you saw?" so I retraced my steps and there she was with those eyelashes. It reminded me of a blond and curvaceous lady I worked with back in Scotland in the late 70s. I forgot her name now, but she wore high hills, tight skirts and tops and long eyelashes and high hairdos. She was a very nice and polite lady. The hotel porters, cooks and waiters used to salivate after her, but she knew how to keep the blow flies at bay.
Re: Glamorous

Fri May 28, 2021 8:41 am
by gstark
zafra52 wrote:It reminded me of a blond and curvaceous lady I worked with back in Scotland in the late 70s. I forgot her name now, but she wore high hills, tight skirts and tops and long eyelashes and high hairdos.
Ah yes, the '70s. I think I remember them.