Step by Step: How to embed an image in a post

Got a thin skin? Then look elsewhere. Post a link to an image that you've made, and invite others to offer their critiques. Honesty is encouraged, but please be positive in your constructive criticism. Flaming and just plain nastiness will not be tolerated. Please note that this is not an area for you to showcase your images, nor is this a place for you to show-off where you have been. This is an area for you to post images so that you may share with us a technique that you have mastered, or are trying to master. Typically, no more than about four images should be posted in any one post or thread, and the maximum size of any side of any image should not exceed 950 px.

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Please note that image critiquing is a matter of give and take: if you post images for critique, and you then expect to receive criticism, then it is also reasonable, fair and appropriate that, in return, you post your critique of the images of other members here as a matter of courtesy. So please do offer your critique of the images of others; your opinion is important, and will help everyone here enjoy their visit to far greater extent.

Also please note that, unless you state something to the contrary, other members might attempt to repost your image with their own post processing applied. We see this as an acceptable form of critique, but should you prefer that others not modify your work, this is perfectly ok, and you should state this, either within your post, or within your signature.

Images posted here should conform with the general forum guidelines. Image sizes should not exceed 950 pixels along the largest side (height or width) and typically no more than four images per post or thread.

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Step by Step: How to embed an image in a post

Postby stubbsy on Fri Feb 11, 2005 11:13 pm

I see repeated requests for this and they always seem hard to find. Hopefully you found this :D and it will help you on your way.

In order to embed (ie add) an image in a post the image needs to be stored on the internet somewhere. Many members here use free sites like but you can also use other pay sites like

I do not recommend PixSpot since as of January 2006 there have been significant problems with this service where many users see THIS IMAGE saying to visit PixSPot to see your graphic instead of the real image you wanted them to see.

Please don't make your images large in size or dimension as they can take a long while to load for members on slow connections. I suggest keeping the file size < 200K and the image dimensions no more than 800 pixels on the largest side.

The following steps assume you have your image somewhere:
  1. Find the url to your image:

    If using PBase you would do the following:
    • View the image on PBase. The URL will look something like
    • Highlight the whole of this from http: to the end of the address by using your mouse
    • While this is highlighted hit Ctrl-C to copy the URL to your clipboard. Now go to step 2.
    If you are using SmugMug or most other image hosting sites you would do the following:
    • Go to your web gallery site and display the image you want to embed.
    • click the right mouse button on your image to popup a list of options
    • Choose properties from the bottom of the list by clicking it with your left mouse button. You'll see a properties window with a whole stack of info. You want the bit after the address heading starting with http.
    • Highlight the whole of this from http: to the end of the address by using your mouse (it may be over a few lines and will end in .jpg or whatever file format your image is).
    • While this is highlighted hit Ctrl-C to copy the URL to your clipboard.
    • Close the properties window and proceed to the next step
  2. In your message, position where you want to insert your image and type or paste the URL of the image. If you are using PBase you need to add .jpg to the end, or /medium.jpg to the end for the medium size version.
  3. Highlight the newly pasted URL with your mouse
  4. Now if you look up the top of the message editing window you'll see a number of buttons with the last two being Img and URL. The one you need to use is Img. While you have the URL of your image highlighted, click Img. This will put [img]before%20the%20URL%20in%20your%20message%20and[/img] after it.
  5. That's it - your image will display when the message is viewed. To check this before posting click the Preview button at the bottom of your screen.
  6. Once you're happy with the results click the Submit button.

If you have an image too large to embed or want to provide a link to the image rather than embed it you follow the steps above but click the URL button at step 4 instead of clicking Img

And finally. I you want to link your image to a bigger version I also suggest you read Step by Step: Posting thumbnails with links to larger images

Good luck.

EDIT: Updated to mention Jan 06 PixSpot problems.
EDIT: Updated again since PixSpot never got any better
Last edited by stubbsy on Fri Apr 21, 2006 7:02 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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Postby christiand on Wed Feb 16, 2005 8:49 pm

Hi stubbsy,

thanks for posting this tip.

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Postby paull on Thu Feb 17, 2005 10:23 pm

Thanks stubbsy ... it was the random bit that stuffed me up. keep up the good work
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Postby ozimax on Tue Feb 22, 2005 12:07 pm

Good post Stubbsy, I post images at max 60kb and max length 500pixels,

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Postby lukeo on Tue Feb 22, 2005 3:08 pm

Yes excellent work.

200KB on a 56k modem (5kb a second) = 40 seconds

which is definately the longest you would want to wait.

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Macintosh Workaround?

Postby SoCal Steve on Tue Feb 22, 2005 4:50 pm


Thanks for the excellent tutorial!

However those of us with Mac's don't have the right click mouse to get the properties. A determination of the URL for the pic stumps me, Stubbsy.

Can anyone help those of us who think different(ly)? What's the work around? I'll bet sirhc55 probably knows.

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Postby jethro on Tue Feb 22, 2005 4:52 pm

hey socal how old is the mac?
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Postby SoCal Steve on Tue Feb 22, 2005 4:58 pm

G4 933 circa 2003, running OS 10.3.8
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Postby jethro on Tue Feb 22, 2005 5:02 pm

see if you can borrow a 2 button optical your OS should support it. i tried it on an old G4 700 running 8.6 and it failed. even though the keyboard was usb it wouldnt kick. my G4 2gig with the same OS runs a 2 button like a charm
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Re: Macintosh Workaround?

Postby Greg B on Tue Feb 22, 2005 9:11 pm

SoCal Steve wrote:However those of us with Mac's don't have the right click mouse to get the properties. ..........

Can anyone help those of us who think different(ly)? Thanks

Get a PC.

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Postby SoCal Steve on Wed Feb 23, 2005 5:02 am

Ain't no friggin' Way!!!!!!!!!

But thanks anyway.

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Postby Matt. K on Thu Feb 24, 2005 9:52 pm

Greg B
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Postby ozimax on Thu Mar 17, 2005 11:45 pm

Sorry Greg, I'm with Socal, but I don't want to start a cyber fight over PC v Mac :-).

Usually with mac it's ctrl + click to simulate right mouse click. (Or use any other mouse, USB or wireless or bluetooth or whatever - they all work on mac).

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Postby darb on Thu Apr 07, 2005 11:27 am

youre also welcome to use my anonymous hosting

it'll create a thumbnailed version, an intermediate *.sized.jpg and of course the full original.

Click admin options, and then 'add photos'

Follow the bouncing ball. Hotlinking is OK to this forum. (other forums will get denied.)

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Re: Macintosh Workaround?

Postby robboh on Tue May 31, 2005 3:04 pm

SoCal Steve wrote:Stubbsy,
However those of us with Mac's don't have the right click mouse to get the properties. A determination of the URL for the pic stumps me, Stubbsy.
Can anyone help those of us who think different(ly)? What's the work around? I'll bet sirhc55 probably knows.

Ctrl-Click is equivilent to right-click if you only have a single button mouse. Alternatively, you should be able to do a 'view page source' in Safari. I also think (cant check, at work at mo) you can drag a picture to a new tab and it will open, complete with the url source in the address bar.

On a side note, when the **** is Apple gonna give us a nice 2 button, scroll-wheel mouse. I like the feel of the one-button mouse, but scrolling is a permanently fixed muscle memory for me. :evil:

Ok, I'll compromise, how about a one-button scrolling mouse *pleads*
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Postby shockadelica- on Sat Jun 18, 2005 5:33 am

is it ok to post a photo that wasnt taken with a nikon d70 for some advice/tips from others?
i would like to post a couple of photos that were taken with a ricoh 2megapixel cheap digital compact camera
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Postby MATT on Sat Jun 18, 2005 6:29 am

Cant see why not!!

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Postby glamy on Wed Jun 22, 2005 10:08 pm

I post on pbase and to embed a picture in a post they advised me to open the picture, to add .jpg after the url or the way Stubbsy described will only work temporarily.
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Postby glamy on Wed Jun 22, 2005 10:28 pm

The answer is in the FAQ in better terms that I used.
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Postby stubbsy on Thu Jun 23, 2005 10:08 am

glamy wrote:I post on pbase and to embed a picture in a post they advised me to open the picture, to add .jpg after the url or the way Stubbsy described will only work temporarily.

Gerard can you give me some more detail on the steps or point me at the FAQ and I'll update the instructions.

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Postby SoCal Steve on Thu Jun 23, 2005 10:22 am

I had been using Pixspot up until very recently to host my pix and always had colorspace issues. Even reading the various threads my pictures always had much different colors than what I was seeing on my monitor.

yeocsa- (Arthur) suggested and I like it much better. Like pixspot, you can use it free and it's very simple to use.

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Postby glamy on Thu Jun 23, 2005 6:37 pm

I forwarded the e-mail I got from pbase to Nnnnsic . I do not know how to insert documents in a post. If you pm me your email address I'll forward it to you. The FAQ is: how do I post an image from pbase?
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Help with pixipost

Postby petermmc on Sat Jul 09, 2005 2:50 pm

Hi Stubsy

This question will probably fall under the category of ...what the?

I have followed your instructions and have registered and have a user and login. I think this makes me legit on pixipost. I have followed instructions to upload and shrunk photo and followed the prompts. I have inserted the file extension into the space and clicked continue. It takes a little while and tells me it has uploaded successfully.

When I check my album there is no photo. I have done this about 6 times. I am probably doing something stupid but I dont know what it is.

Could you help please?

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Re: Help with pixipost

Postby stubbsy on Sun Jul 10, 2005 10:17 pm

petermmc wrote:Hi Stubsy

This question will probably fall under the category of ...what the?

I have followed your instructions and have registered and have a user and login. I think this makes me legit on pixipost. I have followed instructions to upload and shrunk photo and followed the prompts. I have inserted the file extension into the space and clicked continue. It takes a little while and tells me it has uploaded successfully.

When I check my album there is no photo. I have done this about 6 times. I am probably doing something stupid but I dont know what it is.

Could you help please?



When you are at the upload screen in PixSpot you click the browse button, navigate to the folder with your image in it then choose it. It's full path name should then appear to the left of the browse button. You then click the Upload button at the bottom of the screen and wait. You'll eventually get the "Upload successful" message then be asked what gallery to put the pic in etc. Is this all happening?
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Postby stubbsy on Tue Sep 13, 2005 8:09 pm

Instructions updated to provide correct steps for PBase users (courtesy of Glamy) and to point to the SmugMug discount codes thread.
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Postby darb on Thu Dec 08, 2005 1:41 pm

For the use of this site, people are free to host images temporarily on ... it gets cleaned out periodically.

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Re: Step by Step: How to embed an image in a post

Postby makario on Sat Mar 18, 2006 1:51 pm

Hi stubbsy,

I have been reading through tonnes of threads to figure out how to post images here. good tutorial especially for beginners like me.

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Re: Step by Step: How to embed an image in a post

Postby stubbsy on Sun Mar 19, 2006 7:36 pm

makario wrote:Hi stubbsy,

I have been reading through tonnes of threads to figure out how to post images here. good tutorial especially for beginners like me.


No worries Makario. That's what we're here for. I also suggest you read the FAQ section if you haven't done so already (the link is on the front page)
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Postby terminaltackle on Sun Apr 02, 2006 3:59 pm

Thanks stubbsy, if you hadnt put this here I would have just given up and been frustrated..
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Postby radar on Fri Apr 21, 2006 6:40 pm

Hi Peter,

Could you edit your post at the start to remove pixspot as one of the "preferred" options since it is not preferred anymore?

I still see new users signing up to pixspot and then having problems with their photos not showing up, frustrates them and the viewers.


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Postby stubbsy on Fri Apr 21, 2006 7:03 pm

Thanks André. Updated to now warn AGAINST PixSpot because of problems.
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Postby Pehpsi on Fri Nov 10, 2006 11:02 pm

great instructions, very easy to follow...
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Tutorial please

Postby DebT on Tue Mar 20, 2007 7:43 am

Hi, would really like the 'how to' content of this thread added to the tutorial list along with 'How to Embed ' topic .. how do we get this done ?

As a newbie I am like a big sponge for information but realistically know I will need to refer to the instructons from time to time

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Postby tasadam on Sat Dec 15, 2007 7:38 am

Regarding flickr hosting, I read in another haunt of mine ( that for image hosting with flickr you had to link back to flickr as part of their terms of service? Can anyone enlighten me here?
I don't use flickr but haven't seen what he's on about and couldn't find reference to this in the terms of service at flickr. But then, there is a lot of stuff on that page so I could have missed it.
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Re: Step by Step: How to embed an image in a post

Postby zafra52 on Sun Jan 13, 2008 4:49 pm

I am experiencing some troubles here. The usual url address and filename encapsulated with the open/close image tag is not working for me and returns a red message that says "It was not possible to determine the dimensions of the image".
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Re: Step by Step: How to embed an image in a post

Postby devilla101 on Sun Jan 13, 2008 7:08 pm

zafra52 wrote:I am experiencing some troubles here. The usual url address and filename encapsulated with the open/close image tag is not working for me and returns a red message that says "It was not possible to determine the dimensions of the image".

Yep im getting the same thing here
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Re: Step by Step: How to embed an image in a post

Postby zafra52 on Sun Jan 13, 2008 8:27 pm

I am also noticing that this thread does not show on the Recent Post in the Portal page. Anyway, It might be that there is another way of posting in this new website.
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Re: Step by Step: How to embed an image in a post

Postby stubbsy on Sun Jan 13, 2008 10:30 pm

a red message that says "It was not possible to determine the dimensions of the image"

This was due to some of Gary's initial board settings and as of this post should now be working fine.
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Re: Step by Step: How to embed an image in a post

Postby Mon1018 on Thu Jun 19, 2008 2:24 pm

great instructions, very easy to follow...

I got the information!! :D
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Re: Step by Step: How to embed an image in a post

Postby rampotta on Sun Aug 31, 2008 6:27 pm

haha its easy.. thx
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