Sagrada Lanzada (The Holy Speared)

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Sagrada Lanzada (The Holy Speared)

Postby zafra52 on Mon Apr 13, 2020 1:54 pm

As you may know, the Holy Easter processions were canceled in Spain due to the pandemic; this is totally unprecedented because even during the Spanish Civil War there were religious celebrations somewhere in the country. I took this picture in Seville in 2011 and the paso, the stand carried on the faithful shoulders, represents the moment just before the roman soldier speared Christ to check He was already dead, according to St John the Evangelist.

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Re: Sagrada Lanzada (The Holy Speared)

Postby gstark on Mon Apr 13, 2020 5:04 pm

That is beautifully ornate, and I'm expecting that it's gold?

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Re: Sagrada Lanzada (The Holy Speared)

Postby ozimax on Tue Apr 14, 2020 3:53 pm

I imagine said object would require a lot of strong men to carry? Especially if covered in gold.
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Re: Sagrada Lanzada (The Holy Speared)

Postby zafra52 on Wed Apr 15, 2020 3:30 pm

Thank you for your questions.
The stand where the images are placed is carved wood and painted with gold paint. I don't know if there is any gold in the paint or how much, Garry.
This paso (scene) of the passion is carried on the shoulders by 30 or 40 men and every 50 minutes or hour they go for a rest and fresh men take over, Ozi.
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Re: Sagrada Lanzada (The Holy Speared)

Postby gstark on Thu Apr 16, 2020 8:12 am

Thanks for the explanations and details. Very interesting and informative, as is this glimpse into a different culture, which I presume is your culture?

Certainly, to my mind, learning about and from different cultures is how we grow.
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Re: Sagrada Lanzada (The Holy Speared)

Postby zafra52 on Thu Apr 16, 2020 5:39 pm

Thank you Gary. Yes, I was born in the South of Spain and and brought up in this culture. My father was not very religious: my mother was though she was not a regular church goer. Most Spanish people visit the church for four main reasons: Baptism, First Communion, Wedding and Funerals. As I grew up, I distanced myself from the Catholic church. My excuse was having to work in hospitality and not having regular hours. Now, I find religious beliefs and their cultures fascinating and appreciate the craftsmanship that goes into religious artifacts and buildings; I think they give an insight into the spirituality, superstition, and magic beliefs of people. I don't have to believe, but I feel should respect peoples beliefs or lack of them.
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Re: Sagrada Lanzada (The Holy Speared)

Postby gstark on Thu Apr 16, 2020 8:37 pm


I'm Jewish, and while not practising, I do appreciate and enjoy the richness of the culture, as I do with all of the diverse cultures the we enjoy here in this country. We are all the richer for the differences that that they provide to us.
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Re: Sagrada Lanzada (The Holy Speared)

Postby ozimax on Sat Apr 18, 2020 11:32 am

Hey Zaffs do you still have relatives in Spain and if so, how are they coping with the current difficulties etc? I visit Spain quite frequently and love the place although I usually visit the Castille region eg Valladolid, Salamance and Zamora.
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Re: Sagrada Lanzada (The Holy Speared)

Postby zafra52 on Sun Apr 19, 2020 2:30 pm

Thank you for asking Ozi. They are physically well, but the quarantine is taking its toll. They are scared of going out and only venture into the street when they have to buy essentials. I've got two sisters and a brother and they miss their respective families and each other. They are increasingly more resentful of people that flaunt the laws because they see them as selfish and responsible for the restrictions and the long quarantines. My friends are the same.

We keep in regular touch using WhatsApp. Last night they asked after us in Australia and basically I told them we are incredibly lucky when compared with them, low infection and mortality rate and we are able to go out and exercise, providing with comply with laws and regulations in place. It's all very sad, but we try to keep the spirits up.

I hope you are all and your family and loved ones well and safe and keep out of harm's way.
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Re: Sagrada Lanzada (The Holy Speared)

Postby ozimax on Mon Apr 20, 2020 2:33 pm

zafra52 wrote:I hope you are all and your family and loved ones well and safe and keep out of harm's way.

All good and thanks for asking Zaffs. Best to you and yours too.
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