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Serious business

PostPosted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 3:06 pm
by gstark
I have just been informed that somebody has placed a fraudulent ad in the Trading Post, in the name of Thanh, offering the sale of D200 camera bodies at an unrealistically low price.

Please understand that nobody here condones this sort of behaviour: I personally view it as despicable, and if I find out that it was a member of these forums, I will have no hesitation in reporting them to the appropriate authorities and supporting those authorities with whatever means I have at my disposal.

I have spoken with Thanh regarding this matter, and offerred him my full support in helping to locate whomever the lowlife trash is that perpetrated this unfortunate occurrence.

While it's easy for me to say that I'm personally very upset at this occurrence, that pales into insignificance when one considers the adverse impact that this can have upon Thanh's business and personal life.

It is a reprehensible act, perpetrated by a coward who has no regard for the welfare of others.

On a lighter note, I am pleased to let everyone here know that some members from here have decided to form their own forum. I would like to think that both forums are able to happily coexist, and anybody who ever thought that this forum could ever satisfy every man and his dog probably needs to undergo a reality check. :)

I wish Sir Tristram well in this venture. While I expect to be able to announce some big news for bargain shoppers later this week, Thanh and his bargains can now be found at

PostPosted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 3:27 pm
by losfp
Gary, that is amazing news :shock:

I simply cannot believe that anyone would be that childish. While I feel a little disappointed in a couple of the events over the last couple of weeks, this new development simply overshadows all the others.

I (and I assume many others) am happy to exist on both forums, just sharing knowledge and friendship, and it is certainly disheartening to know that a simple personal disagreement might have ended in this result.

Best wishes to all concerned - I hope this all gets resolved with a minimum of fuss.

PostPosted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 3:31 pm
by stubbsy
losfp wrote:I simply cannot believe that anyone would be that childish.

My views too Des. And we need to bear in mind that this has a very serious impact on Thanh - that's his business phone number. When he's dealing with this shit he can't be doing business and his phone is tied up.

PostPosted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 3:33 pm
by TonyH
I know it sounds childlike, but why would anyone want to do that to Thanh?

Gary I fully support your stand, although I do find it hard to believe that it could be a member of this forum.

PostPosted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 3:35 pm
by sirhc55
I’m sorry to hear of this business and the effect it must be having on Thanh. Although I am not versed in the law I would assume that the person who instigated this will be found and charged with identity theft.

PostPosted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 3:37 pm
by sheepie
TonyH wrote:...I do find it hard to believe that it could be a member of this forum.

I hope not, and no doubt if it was and this can be proven then they won't be a member of either forum for much longer.

This is DISGUSTING beyond belief. It's probably no secret some of the crap that's been going on lately, but this takes the cake.

Birdy - please rest assured knowing that we support you in getting to the bottom of this and taking whatever action is available to you against this lowlife.

PostPosted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 3:37 pm
by MHD
or plain fraud...

Not a clever thing to do...

On a lighter note great to see another Australian based photography forum! Just goes to show how strong our hobby is!

PostPosted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 3:40 pm
by JordanP
sirhc55 wrote:I’m sorry to hear of this business and the effect it must be having on Thanh. Although I am not versed in the law I would assume that the person who instigated this will be found and charged with identity theft.

Well said Chris. I would like to see this sort of behaviour dealt with strongly. Just disgusting.

PostPosted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 3:42 pm
by phillipb
If the add was paid by credit card, it shouldn't be too hard to find out who paid for it.

PostPosted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 3:44 pm
by Steffen
This is simply unbelievable!

It makes me wonder what kind of safeguards the Trading Post has against such criminal activity... :roll:


PostPosted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 3:52 pm
by blacknstormy
I am shocked and disappointed, and would truely hope that no-one in this forum would stoop to such a low act .... like any family, there are occassionally 'spats', but we are still a big FAMILY !!!!!

I'm proud to be a member of both forums, and will continue to be so :)

Hugs to all

PostPosted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 4:06 pm
by birddog114
phillipb wrote:If the add was paid by credit card, it shouldn't be too hard to find out who paid for it.

Unfortunately, my company has an account with Trading Post, and I did not not use it for more than 12 months now. I used to fax them the order or email my order to them and never used verbal placement.

A stranger called and placed an ad on Wed. 2 on behalf of my company, used my name, my address.

Trading Post just asked: telephone number? then they match up with my company name, and here you go :twisted: No pasword or anything else for verification.

I received the bill from Trading Post: $65.00.

The interesting thing is:
I received many phone calls from all over Australia since Thursday to inquire the cheapest deal which is never existed even after 9:00pm including Saturday and Sunday, luckily I have PABX installed and all gone into my voice mail box with night switch.

Friday, I called Trading Post and disputed same as requested the ad to be withdrawn immediately, and it was pulled off Trading Post site at 6:00pm.

Saturday, caller called back and asked the ad to be re-instated at around 3:00pm. (according to Trading Post record).

This matter is now in the hand of Trading Post Legal/ Fraud Dept.

My voice sample was recorded for verification with the caller and my consent form has been signed for them to pursue this matter to a higher level.

PostPosted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 4:11 pm
by sirhc55
Semper Fi Thanh :up:

PostPosted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 4:18 pm
by the foto fanatic
birddog114 wrote:This matter is now in the hand of Trading Post Legal/ Fraud Dept.

My voice sample was recorded for verification with the caller and my consent form has been signed for them to pursue this matter to a higher level.

Well, I hope they can catch the prick! This type of activity is beyond a joke as it disrupts your business and personal life, and could also have other consequences for your business activities.

Let's hope the individual gets creamed by the authorities.

And let's hope the two forums can co-exist without some of the snide remarks and other bullshit that's been happening.

I really hope we'll see lots of posts on both forums.

PostPosted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 4:20 pm
by Matt. K
Well chosen words. I know all members of both forums would fully agree with you. The Trading Post needs to seriously tighten up its verification processes or it will find itself in deep litigation. Your sentiments on the viability of the new forum will see a resurgence in active postings both here and over at Sir Tristams. There are no losers in that...only winners. Now....I've got some images to attend to. I'm chasing a POW! :D :D
(Here, of course) :D :D :D

PostPosted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 4:22 pm
by Geoff
This is truely unbelievable!?!?
This is a very serious and fraudulant incident and I truely hope that the perpretator is dealt with accordingly.

Thanh - I ad my words of support to you and hope that this can be rectified asap.

PostPosted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 4:29 pm
by Greg B
Of additional concern here is that this must be pure mischief - I cannot see how the perpetrator would materially benefit from this, and therefore it must have been done simply be to create trouble. This suggests that this is a disturbed individual.

As an aside, Trading Post's systems are very vulnerable - surely you should be offered a password or a callback confirmation arrangement. Very poor.

Let's hope the offender is detected quickly.

PostPosted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 4:31 pm
by Manta
I'll just add my condolences here that such an act has been perpetrated. Whoever this person is, they will get what they deserve and I hope one of us is there to capture the moment. It'd make one helluva PotW.

I'm sorry someone has stooped this low Thanh.

PostPosted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 4:36 pm
by gstark
birddog114 wrote:Saturday, caller called back and asked the ad to be re-instated at around 3:00pm. (according to Trading Post record).

This matter is now in the hand of Trading Post Legal/ Fraud Dept.


I sincerely hope that the lowlife who did this called using the Trading Post's 1800 or 1300 number. If they did, then I would expect that they can trace the calls back to their origins, and in that manner they will locate and identify the source of this lowly act.

As I said on the phone, if there is any way that Leigh or I can assist, please do not hesitate to call me.

PostPosted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 4:39 pm
by radar
Sorry to hear about this Thanh,

a very despicable act indeed and to have the audacity to call again to have the ad re-instated :shock: :shock:

I would hope that they keep all telephone call records, track him/her down and catch the bastard.

All the best in resolving this Thanh,


PostPosted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 4:57 pm
by avkomp
this sort of thing P*SSES me off.

Thanh is an honourable man and childish things like this only hurt innocent people.

I suspect the culprit will never be caught unless they were stupid enough to use their own credit card details, in which case I hope they get what is coming to them.

PostPosted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 5:05 pm
by owen
Likewise, I hope they catch this guy. Birdy's done nothing to deserve this to happen, you have our thoughts mate.

PostPosted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 5:19 pm
by sirhc55
avkomp wrote:this sort of thing P*SSES me off.

Thanh is an honourable man and childish things like this only hurt innocent people.

I suspect the culprit will never be caught unless they were stupid enough to use their own credit card details, in which case I hope they get what is coming to them.

It was charged to Thanh’s account

PostPosted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 5:28 pm
by marcotrov
I can only echo the thoughts of all with my disappointment at this callous, low act. :( Thanh is a very honourable man who has been dealt with dishonourably. We all feel for you Thanh. Hope the perpetrator is caught and dealt with accordingly.
cheers all

PostPosted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 5:31 pm
by macka
This is terrible, and I'm sorry to hear it for Birdy's sake.

As Greg B mentioned, I can't see how this could benefit anybody, so it must simply have been done out of malice. Why anyone would want to do such a thing is beyond me.

PostPosted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 5:31 pm
by PiroStitch
What goes around, comes around. I hope this matter will be dealt with severely and the perpertrator gets his or her just desserts. Sorry to hear that Thanh had to be dragged into this sort of childish behaviour.

PostPosted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 6:00 pm
by joet
This is all so sad :cry:

I sincerely wish that this low-life perpetrator is caught and gets all he/she/it gets just desserts :evil:

I find it difficult to express how angry this makes me.

Perhaps it is optimistic, but hopefully this will lead to a mutual understanding in both forums and that they will both prosper and grow stronger as a result of reacting positively to this act of outright bastardry :!:

PostPosted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 6:04 pm
by Glen
joet wrote:Perhaps it is optimistic, but hopefully this will lead to a mutual understanding in both forums and that they will both prosper and grow stronger as a result of reacting positively to this act of outright bastardry :!:

Joe, I truly think that will happen. While I have seen a few childish comments I think most will come to their senses and realise we are all the same people we were two weeks ago, no matter where we are posting.

PostPosted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 6:17 pm
Glen wrote:
joet wrote:Perhaps it is optimistic, but hopefully this will lead to a mutual understanding in both forums and that they will both prosper and grow stronger as a result of reacting positively to this act of outright bastardry :!:

Joe, I truly think that will happen. While I have seen a few childish comments I think most will come to their senses and realise we are all the same people we were two weeks ago, no matter where we are posting.
:agree: :up:

Definitely. What an act of utter bastardry this is though, hope the perps get caught, but I suspect they will have covered their tracks well. :evil:

PostPosted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 6:18 pm
by sheepie
joet wrote:Perhaps it is optimistic, but hopefully this will lead to a mutual understanding in both forums and that they will both prosper and grow stronger as a result of reacting positively to this act of outright bastardry :!:

For someone with so few online words, Joe, you have said something very wise here :)

PostPosted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 6:24 pm
by blacknstormy
I'm pretty sure there is already mutual understanding between the two forums.


PostPosted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 6:28 pm
by fozzie
For Thanh's sake, I hope this low life is apprehended within the next few days. I just find it so hard to believe that someone would even try this in the first place, and also expect to get away with it. May be I am naive!

PostPosted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 6:54 pm
by birddog114
Thanks All,
For your understanding and support me on this matter.
I'm sorry, we (TRan + I) were so upset and angry on last Friday night, we planned not to come to the Friday dinner, but we did and kept this matter low key.

I didn't tell or posting nor expresing my impression or my PoV about this matter on other site coz my posts may cause another turbulence or more disagreements between friends on both sites. I better take it in my hand and sort out step by step.

I held it off till this morning after I had a blast at the Business Manager of Trading Post. This play will create a big damage on both sites and bringing up more problems for all to face with, which I never ever want or wish.

At least now we (All of us) understood and agreed the principal of interest on both forums.

I hate the player :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

PostPosted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 6:57 pm
by Matt. K
So...Than...I'll take three at that price! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

PostPosted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 7:17 pm
by Manta
joet wrote:Perhaps it is optimistic, but hopefully this will lead to a mutual understanding in both forums and that they will both prosper and grow stronger as a result of reacting positively to this act of outright bastardry :!:

At the risk of going perhaps a little off topic...

Your comments, Joe, seem to come from a position of negativity about the relationship between members of both forums. Obviously, wiht this despicable incident there is a rat amongst our number somewhere (and, really, who knows which 'side' that person plays for) but by far the overwhelming feeling is one of co-operation and mutual respect between the two entities.

Therefore, there's actually nothing 'optimistic' about your wishes for a harmonious relationship - as it already exists. :)

PostPosted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 7:34 pm
by whiz
While I support the view that the person responsible should be punished for this act, essentially I doubt if anything will happen.

This crime just isn't serious enough and in terms of material cost and damage to warrant more than cursory investigation.

The only thing that it might achieve is tightening up the tradingposts authentication mechanism. They'll only do that if they start losing money.

Sorry to pour cold water on all your good intentioned wrath, but I've been involved with every police force in Australia in the last few years.
The stories are all the same.
Too much crime.
Not enough time.

It's just like the ads on TV tell us (in the ACT anyway) Just because you rock up to the hospital before someone else, doesn't mean that you'll be seen in that order..

PostPosted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 8:10 pm
by redline
wow, thats just plain wrong.

PostPosted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 8:19 pm
by Matt. K
It might be wrong but it's a fact of life. I was burgled a few years ago and the investigating police didn't even want a list of the stolen items! That would mean someone sitting down and typing them into a database....and they don't have the time. We live in a complex society and have yet to get all of the prioritys right. :shock:

PostPosted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 8:27 pm
by beetleboy
For fear of adding more emails for people 'watching' this topic..just want Thanh to know that i agree with the general sentiment that this is a terrible and heartless thing for someone to do.

On a lighter note, you should get everyone that calls' details so you can forward them all catalogues!! Make it a free marketing exercise!

PostPosted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 8:58 pm
by stubbsy
Birddog114 wrote:I didn't tell or posting nor expresing my impression or my PoV about this matter on other site coz my posts may cause another turbulence or more disagreements between friends on both sites. I better take it in my hand and sort out step by step.

A very wise course to follow and a very gentlemenly act, Thanh - especially given how upsetting this obviously was. I salute you.

PostPosted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 9:14 pm
by mark
I just logged in and could not believe what I was reading.
Why, Why, Why on earth would anyone do this? This is beyond childish. Childish would have left it at the first placement. Ringing back and re-instating the ad is simply malicious.

I have a firm belief that what goes around comes around. So if you have done this. Watch out! :evil: :evil: :evil:

If you have to pay for this account, I for one would be happy to make a donation to assist you. Please PM me.

Although I am relatively new to the forum, I have seen your past generosity to forum members as well as your endless contributions/posts assisting people with all nature of questions and I am at a loss to understand why anyone would want to do this to you.
My thoughts are with you and your family at this time. Don't loose faith as a result of this.
Remember these are the actions of ONE individual.

PostPosted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 9:24 pm
Yep just plain stupid..

What would someone hope to achieve???


PostPosted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 9:50 pm
by Slider
Unbeleivable :!: I look forward to the lowlife responsible being exposed for the moron they most certainly are.

Gutless Bastard IMHO.

PostPosted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 9:52 pm
by phillipb
blacknstormy wrote:I'm pretty sure there is already mutual understanding between the two forums.


:idea: :idea: :idea: :idea: Does this mean we can soon have a State of Origin Competition ? :P

PostPosted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 9:54 pm
by rooboy
What an utter dickhead. Apologies for the language, but only profanities are appropriate for someone so pointlessly malicious. They have nothing to gain by such an exercise, only causing harm to others.

I really hope that the idiot who did this has the courage to admit their mistake and apologise to Birdy.

PostPosted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 9:55 pm
by Manta
Not likely Phillip - given where both forums originated!

PostPosted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 10:26 pm
by johndec
An Open Letter:

Dear Scumbag,
Like everyone else here I am very upset at your childish, petulant and spiteful actions. I am hoping that you are exposed, so that the full weight of the law and the derision of your (former) peers can be brought to bear.

Like many here I consider Thanh a friend and if you have upset Thanh, you have upset me. Let's just hope that your health insurance is up to date...

Now piss off and don't come back.

PostPosted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 10:30 pm
by Matt. K
Don't hold back! Let it all out! I think that's pretty much what we all wanted to say! :D :D :D

PostPosted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 10:32 pm
by christiand
This is awfull :shock:
I am disgusted about what has occurred and it makes me feel sick.
I hope that this low life will pay for this one way or another.
Thanks Gary for notifying us and all the best to Thanh.


PostPosted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 10:37 pm
by johndec
Matt. K wrote:johndec
Don't hold back! Let it all out! I think that's pretty much what we all wanted to say! :D :D :D

That was the "PG" version... You should have read my original thoughts.