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birthday present!!

PostPosted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 7:58 am
by bigsarg7
Hello everyone, just excited and have to tell someone, my husband shocked me yesterday on my 27th birthday with a gift i so desired but never thought i would get any time soon. Little did I know he had on lay by for quite some time a tripod and head set that i had coveted for o so long!!

He had a job interview and i stayed home with the kids awaiting his return so we could go out and do something, when he returned i thought he was being so rude telling me to go out to the car to get the kids shoes so we can go out while he gets changed, i was hesitant as i was pretty relaxed,so he lightly threw the keys in my direction to subtly get me to go do it.....frustrated i was, thinking hey its my birthday why should i have to do it....but as i walked out the door, stood set up (no idea how he did it, i think the camera shop must have done it) a manfrotto 190xprob tripod and the manfrotto 222 joystick head!! :up: i loved it, but my initial reaction was you naughty boy we don't have the money, but as he later explained he had wanted to give me a suprise. Well that he did!! my grumpyness about having to go out in the heat to the car soon turned to joy and excitement about my new toy!! lol

Well, thanks for reading, my new present should come in very handy for the wedding coming up. and my future lightning storms!! ----if they happen again, we rarely get them due to the orchards around the area and their hail guns!! stupid guns!!

Anyways have a great day, thought it was worth sharing!! :cheers:

Re: birthday present!!

PostPosted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 8:40 am
by biggerry
manfrotto 190xprob tripod and the manfrotto 222 joystick head!!

nice work... go the hubby... :up: :cheers:

Re: birthday present!!

PostPosted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 8:50 am
by Wink
That's a nice surprise! Enjoy the new toy! :D

Re: birthday present!!

PostPosted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 9:02 am
by gstark
Congrats, and enjoy.

Re: birthday present!!

PostPosted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 9:30 am
by aim54x
Great stuff!! I cant keep I had to tell gf that I was getting her a Nikon D40 (ex Demo) so she could have a SLR until she (or we) can afford to replace her stolen D80. Maybe I should have kept it a secret.

Enjoy the 190, that is one fine set of italian legs that will last you a very long time.